Plot: Kirin ga Kuru is a 2020 Japanese historical drama television series starring Hiroki Hasegawa as Akechi Mitsuhide, a samurai and general during the Sengoku period. The series is the 59th NHK taiga drama, premiering on January 19, 2020. It is the first regular taiga drama to be fully shot in 4K resolution...
Plot: This drama is about Fukuko, a cheerful and dedicated woman born in Osaka, who marries to a young businessman filled with vitality. From the prewar to the high economic growth period, they get through the turbulent times.
Plot: Katsu Kaishū is a 1974 Japanese television series. It is the 12th NHK taiga drama.Tetsuya Watari was forced to step down from the role of Katsu Kaishū because of his illness so he appeared only first 9 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Shinsengumi! is a 2004 Taiga drama historical fiction television series produced by Japanese broadcaster NHK. It was a popular drama about the Shinsengumi, a Japanese special police force from the Bakumatsu period. Wikipedia
Plot: The series focuses on the life of Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the 15th and final ruler of the Tokugawa period. Born the seventh son of Lord Nariaki of Mito, Yoshinobu is named shogun when he is just 29 years old. With a wisdom and vision beyond his years, he tries to prolong the life of this 200-year-old dynasty...
Plot: Gunshi Kanbei is a 2014 Japanese historical drama television series and the 53rd NHK taiga drama. The series was broadcast from January 5 to December 21, 2014, and ran a total of 50 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: GÅ: Hime-tachi no Sengoku is a 2011 Japanese historical drama television series and the 50th NHK taiga drama. It was written by Kumiko Tabuchi, based on her own novel of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: RyÅmaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010, spanning 48 episodes. The story centers on the life of 19th-century Japanese historical figures Iwasaki YatarÅ and Sakamoto RyÅma. Wikipedia
Plot: Hana Moyu is a 2015 Japanese historical drama television series and the 54th NHK taiga drama. The series stars Mao Inoue as Sugi Fumi, a sister of Meiji Restoration scholar Yoshida ShÅin. It premiered on January 4, 2015 and ended on December 13, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Yae's Sakura is a 2013 Japanese historical drama television series and the 52nd NHK taiga drama. Written by Mutsumi Yamamoto, the drama focuses on Niijima Yae, who is portrayed by Haruka Ayase. Wikipedia
Plot: Atsuhime is a 2008 Japanese historical drama television series. It is the 47th NHK taiga drama. It aired from January 6 to December 14, 2008, and ran a total of 50 episodes. The drama chronicles the life of TenshÅ-in, based on Tomiko Miyao's 1984 novel TenshÅ-in Atsuhime. Wikipedia...
Plot: NHK's historical drama for 2019 follows the life story of Shiso Kanakuri and Masaji Tabata in a relay format, tracing the turbulent history from the Stockholm Olympic games in 1912 to the Tokyo games in 1964.
Plot: Edward the Seventh is a 1975 British television drama series, made by ATV in 13 episodes. Based on the biography of King Edward VII by Philip Magnus, it starred Timothy West as the elder Edward VII and Simon Gipps-Kent and Charles Sturridge as Edward in his youth, and Annette Crosbie as Queen Victoria...
Plot: Neotora is a woman given a male name who succeeded as the head of the Ii family during the Warring States period. With her wisdom, courage and affection for a loved one, Naotora strongly lived through the turbulent times.
Plot: The historical drama is the story of Nobushige Sanada commonly known as Yukimura Sanada, a leading military commander of the Warring States Period. Sanada showed great intelligence and leadership, and built the most powerful fort named Sanadamaru.