Plot: A smart and fearless collie named Lassie performs a series of heroic tasks for her human owners and friends. For the first several years of the series, Lassie lived on family farms, before moving on to work with forest rangers in the wilderness and ultimately settling in at Holden ranch, a ranch for...
Plot: Conni is a five-year-old girl having little adventures in everyday life. She experiences her first sleep over, goes to the hairdresser and celebrates festivities with her family or in kindergarten.
Plot: This computer-animated series, based on the 2010 film "How to Train Your Dragon," follows the continuing adventures of young dragon trainer Hiccup and his loyal dragon companion, Toothless, on the island of Berk. The band of dragon trainers, who all now have dragons of their own, are also featured....
Plot: Grizzy the bear takes over the forest ranger's house every time he leaves, and considers it his own. This changes when a tribe of lemmings also moves into the house.
Plot: Targeted towards preschoolers, "Cleo & Cuquin" is an animated program based on the classic "Familia Telerin" cartoon. It follows the Telerin kids, Cleo and Cuquin and their friends Tete, Pelusin, Colitas, and Maripi. Together, these friends find ways to play together and use their imagination while...
Plot: This animated series features the adventures of 4-year-old Chloe with her friends and toys. The group goes on magical adventures in Chloe's closet (hence the show's title). Being a children's show, the episodes aim to teach kids lessons about such topics as friends, cooperation and sharing. Chloe's...
Plot: Martin Short provides the voice of the title character in this animated series from PBS Kids, which aims to promote children's literacy in science. It follows the magical adventures of 6-year-olds Nick and Sally, who travel the world with the Cat in the Hat as their guide. As they travel in the Cat'...
Plot: "Team Umizoomi" consists of 6-year-old Milli, her brother Geo, who's 8, and their friendly robot named Bot. These mighty math superheroes introduce young viewers to the concepts of counting, measurement, shapes and patterns. Milli and Geo help other kids in Umi City with their problems, which are sent...
Plot: Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Daisy, Donald and many other clubhouse friends go on educational adventures and impart important lessons in a fun way.
Plot: Polly is often told she is too little to do the things she wants to do, but Polly proves what every kid knows, that being little isn't a limitation.
Plot: Despite her last name, Rose Cinderella is an average teenager who is as obsessed with shoes as she is with fairy tales. Things change when she discovers a magic key that unlocks a new world in which fairy tales come to life. After tumbling into Fairy Tale Land, Rose finds out that she has a magical...
Plot: Peppa, an outgoing preschool pig, participates in many energetic activities. She learns something new every day and has a lot of fun with her family and friends.
Plot: A retired circus bear decides to live a quiet life in the forest. However, when Masha, a sprightly young girl, enters the forest, his peaceful life is interrupted.
Plot: An eleven year-old girl discovers that she is a descendant of Snow White, and is tasked with protecting her family from the evil queen and her vengeful plan.
Plot: The world is a mystery to little Booba, but he approaches the curiosities around him with wonder, finding adventure in his everyday surroundings.
Plot: "Abby Hatcher" is a little girl who has a big heart. She tries to help her friends learn from their mistakes and mishaps while also helping them to negotiate their emotions. In Abby's world, humans coexist with Fuzzlies, creatures that have their own unique ability that makes them special. Abby's parents...
Plot: Intrepid but hapless young duck P. King Duckling lives in the rural community of Hilly Hole but goes around the world on a series of adventures with best friends Chumpkins and Wombat. The youngsters' exploits send them on such tasks as redecorating the Eiffel Tower and turning the Great Wall of China...
Plot: Animated preschool series encouraging children, through imaginary adventures, to challenge the workings of the world. Things can always be different if you just imagine, and the world doesn't have to work the way grown-ups think it should.
Plot: Cheetree, Penguala, Draggle, Puppit, and their new friends explore Hatchtopia, solving mysteries, learning life lessons, and having exciting adventures.
Plot: Olivia and Stan live on the fanciful and colourful island of the Paprika twins. Stan is a brave little tiger running at full speed on his wheelchair, while his sister is organised, very creative and a bit cerebral.
Plot: Kind-hearted dragon-in-training Digby has a thirst for adventure, which often lands him in some unusual situations. But Digby is able to overcome the trouble he faces as his bravery and determination help him tackle any obstacle that gets in his way. That makes him a good preschool companion to friends...
Plot: Kids love adventures, whether they go on an adventure themselves or see someone do so in a TV show or movie. Which is what happens on "Justin Time." Justin and his make-believe friends, navigator Olive and Squidgy, a shape-shifting piece of yellow clay, go on historical adventures that let them, and...
Plot: True and her friends love to make music -- and they want young viewers to dance and sing along. The video shorts featured here pair songs and scenes from the animated web series "True and the Rainbow Kingdom," which follows intelligent, fearless 8-year-old heroine True, her best friend, the cat Bartleby...
Plot: Blessed with the extraordinary gift of being able to communicate with animals, Yakari, a plucky little Sioux, rides into all sorts of daring escapades with his pony-companion, Little Thunder, as his totem, Great Eagle, is always close-by. In the boundless tawny prairies and the flat green grasslands...
Plot: A nanny with magical powers? A dream come true! The daily lives of Jules, Lola and Baby Joe are about to take a new turn. A 100 km/hr scooter, a dragon dressed as a lobster or a bath toy which becomes a sea monster With Miss Moon anything's possible!
Plot: Robin Hood is a 10-year-old boy who is already a hero. When young Prince John and his men start torturing the people in the town, Robin Hood and his friends set out to settle the scores with him.
Plot: Julius Jr. is a young monkey who, along with his friends, is able to make ordinary objects come to life and have fantastic adventures inside a magical playroom known as the Box. For Julius and his buddies, all it takes is their imagination mixed with an object like a rubber ball or an insect to create...
Plot: Four curious young dinosaurs named Rocky, Bill, Tiny, and Mazu go on adventures while following their herd. Rocky is the courageous one, Bill is the most timid, Tiny is the smallest yet most playful, and Mazu is the most inquisitive. The four friends look at things such as mapping the stars and searching...
Plot: Young fairy princess Holly and her best friend, Ben Elf, live in Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass grow above the tallest towers. Being a princess, Holly has magical powers, but her attempts at magic often go awry -- but that is to be expected because even her fairy teacher, Nanny...