Plot: Three teenage girls who don't appear to have much in common, other than going to the same school, come together to form a K-pop-inspired band in this musical comedy series. Diva Sun Hi, fashionista Jodi and bookworm Corki are randomly selected to room together at their boarding school. They soon go...
Plot: Street magic meets hip-hop music in this series, which features magician Tomas B. De la Cruz Jr. -- aka Smoothini -- wowing today's top artists with his unique tricks. He meets guests including Lil Jon, Waka Flocka Flame, Fat Joe, Iggy Azalea and Becky G, and by disarming them with his slight of hand...
Plot: Mickey Stone leads a group of highly-skilled, professional fraudsters, who overcome obstacles in order to pull off a series of complicated scams.
Plot: Following T-Pain as he explores innovative and unique start-ups created by millennial entrepreneurs who are defining the future. As he gets a feel for each ground-breaking company, each entrepreneur reveals how they got started.
Plot: Mickey Stone leads a group of highly-skilled, professional fraudsters, who overcome obstacles in order to pull off a series of complicated scams.
Plot: Entertainer Freddie Ross, best known by the stage name Big Freedia, is renowned for popularizing a New Orleans genre of hip-hop called bounce music. It's noted for up-tempo call-and-response elements and plenty of backside shaking. Providing a big platform to further spread the word is Fuse's docu-...
Plot: Ain't nothin' but a "G-Thing," baby! Italian-American rapper G Fella and his over-the-top family and friends are the subjects of this reality series, which focuses on their efforts to build an independent record label, Trackateering Music. Also featured are G Fella's wife, makeup artist Laura Melissa...