Plot: Whispering Corridors is a South Korean supernatural horror film series. The series uses an all-girls high school as the backdrop for each of its films. Every Whispering Corridors film features a different plot, characters and settings. Wikipedia
Plot: Story of a young girl named Shen Yi Yi who in order to find about mystery surrounding her friend death enter the Shangyi Guan disguised as boy. Shen Yi Yi lives in the city and has excellent cooking skills. When she was young, she was friends with Shen Die Yi. Die Yi abruptly dies of a cough and her...
Plot: Mysterious cases take place at an apartment complex which is about to go under reconstruction. Lee Goong-Bok is a real estate agent that works with apartments there. She has a meddlesome type of personality. In Cheol-Ho is a veteran detective. Mysterious cases take place at an apartment complex which...
Plot: Young model wannabes learn about the business from the bottom up in this hourlong drama from executive producer Ashton Kutcher. Raina Marinelli is a young model on her way up, while Chris Andrews is starting at the bottom of the fashion food chain. Chris lucks out when Raina shares her expertise with...
Plot: Frustrated by life with her boyfriend, thirty-something Wako can't stop herself from being interested in high schooler Yumeaki, despite their age gap.