Plot: On foot, by car or off-road vehicle, by plane or by boat, the California Game Wardens -- 240 in all -- patrol the state's 159,000 square miles, pursuing poachers, polluters and drug runners around the clock while making sure hunters and anglers follow the rules. No two days are alike, and each is adventure...
Plot: A comedy series by Tyler Perry follows daily struggles/triumphs of the Love family. Matriarch Hattie Mae lives in the simple house she bought with one of her husbands way back. Daughter Linda lives there part-time, and her son, Danny, is a permanent resident since college graduation. Now fed up with...
Plot: A wealthy member of the Sinclair family dies, leaving detailed instructions for his potential heirs, who include Philip (Roy Scheider) and Abigail (Helen Waren). When his relatives refuse to comply with his wishes, the dead man returns from the grave and proceeds to exact his revenge on his insubordinate...
Plot: Better Living TV Theater was an early American television program originally broadcast on ABC and later on the now defunct DuMont Television Network. The documentary series, featuring moderator Fischer Black, ran from 1953 to 1954. The ABC version was a summer replacement series which aired on Sunday...
Plot: NYPD Detective Jim Dunbar, blinded in an on-the-job incident, refuses to let his lack of sight end his career and goes back to work despite his disability. His other senses help compensate for his lack of sight, but his fellow cops are leery of working with a man who won't be able to see the bad guys...