Plot: The world as we know it has come to an end, due to a rain-carried virus that wiped out nearly everybody in Scandinavia. Six years after that event, two Danish siblings emerge from the safety of the bunker where they have been staying. After discovering all remnants of civilization gone, they join a...
Plot: Once Upon a Love is a Taiwanese idol romance drama television series written by Yang Yi XunãJing Ru and Hui Fen and is directed by Lin Qing Zhen. It stars Sunny Wang, Matt Wu, Cheryl Yang and Reen Yu. The show was aired on GTV on 8 July 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Can a good friend be an equally good lover? Ke You-Rong (Kimi Hsia) fell in love with Wan Hong-Zhi (Nicholas Teo) when they attended university together, but he liked her friend, Yi-Xue (Amily Lou). Putting her feelings for him in check, You-Rong decided to set up Hong-Zhi with Yi-Xue and resigned herself...