Plot: With the 2014 World Cup about to embark in Brazil and the Olympics around the corner in 2016, the three-part series `Welcome to Rio' takes a timely look at the country's second largest city. The focus is on the notorious favelas, or shanty towns, and the ingenuity of its residents to survive without...
Plot: Amidst the backdrop of Japan's extensive stretch of islands, the filmmaker documents his aerial journey and the portraits of the inhabitants while traversing the country.
Plot: A journey takes us across Japan's four main islands, unravelling both its ancient and modern history and unique culture, from bustling metropolises more densely populated than any other on earth, to hidden shrines at the edge of the map.
Plot: Witness various countries through a course on national rail lines and discover unusual trains, archaic country palaces, their culture and people.
Plot: For those in Mississippi, their culture is just as ingrained into them as their history. The history of the state has seen many events throughout its long life, such as the landmarks where the Civil Rights movements were waged, where the battles were lost and even where the blues was born. The rolling...