Plot: RaΓΒΌs al Ghul is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the crime-fighting vigilante Batman. Created by editor Julius Schwartz, writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams, the character first appeared in Batman #232's "Daughter...
Plot: Rahma Halim, a flourishing university professor, thrives in a society of social and educational fame. However, secrets about her childhood and mental history lurk in the background of her glory.
Plot: The balance (2016) A suspenseful thriller about what goes on behind the scenes of criminal activities, court and lawyers, with an unexpected twist at the peak.
Plot: Very Stingy Man Called Mamoun, He has four sons that he prohibits them form everything and his wife, even separated all about him, and then they find out that he is a billionaire, and the journey begin to find out where the hidden money, and how to take it from him Very Stingy Man Called Mamoun, He...
Plot: In every episode of the program, a star is hosted, and he is taken on a tour in a forest in South Africa, then a sudden failure occurs in the car, and here animals begin to appear, including animals that appear from boxes inside the car carrying the star, and animals from outside the car. How will the...