Plot: Created by John de Mol, this televised talent show is the junior version of "The Voice" and part of `The Voice Kids' worldwide franchise. Emma Willis presents as children aged seven to 14 take to the stage to perform in front of a crowd of thousands, hoping to win the grand prize of cash and a family...
Plot: Long running TV soap that focuses on the inhabitants of Wittekerke, a fictional village at the North Sea coast of Belgium. Wittekerke is a long running soap about life in an imaginary Flemish North Sea coast resort of that name. During 15 years many characters appear and most disappear sooner or later...
Plot: Each episode, Flemish television celebrity Tom Waes checks out the usability of another How-To book. If their instructions prove not to work, Tom will still try to accomplish the challenge, whatever it takes. Each episode, Flemish television celebrity Tom Waes checks out the usability of another How...
Plot: The show takes celebrities and their families back in time to the year in which they were 12 years old. They spend the weekend in a house where time has stood still to rediscover the music, TV shows, and embarrassing clothes of the era.
Plot: Belgium's Got Talent is a Belgian TV show produced by FremantleMedia and broadcast by RTL-TVI since September 10, 2012. It is hosted by Julie Taton and Jean-Michel Zecca. It is a local adaptation of the British talent show Britain's Got Talent, created by Simon Cowell. Wikipedia
Plot: Hallo K3 is a Studio 100 comedy television series, created by Gert Verhulst, that follows the experiences of pop trio and best friends K3, portrayed by Karen Damen, Kristel Verbeke and Josje Huisman ... Wikipedia
Plot: Telefacts is a Belgian current affairs programme that has been broadcast weekly on the Belgian television channel VTM since 1 February 1990. It shows documentaries about a wide variety of issues, most of them being widely known recent events. Wikipedia
Plot: Dieter takes people with Down syndrome on a journey. He wants to give them a good time, but will also take the opportunity to get a better idea of what it is like to live with Down syndrome.
Plot: What If? is a sketch show. Each sketch begins with a question. Each question begins with "what if". "WHAT IF?" is a roller coaster of sketches that immerses you in life as it almost could be. What If? is a sketch show. Each sketch begins with a question. Each question begins with "what if". What if...
Plot: Het is weer zo laat!, also known as Waldolala, is a Dutch television show from 1978, written and directed by Wim T. Schippers and co-produced by Schippers, Gied Jaspars, Wim van der Linden en Ellen Jens. It was the last TV show written for Dolf Brouwers, who had played the character Sjef van Oekel...
Plot: 'Did You Get the Message?', is a fresh new hidden camera comedy format all about getting a message across in the most unique and memorable way ever. 'Did You Get the Message?', is a fresh new hidden camera comedy format all about getting a message across in the most unique and memorable way...