Plot: The second series of `Heston's Feasts' follows celebrated chef Heston Blumenthal as he sets out on a gastronomic adventure to reinvent famous period and mythical feasts. In this episode, Heston explores the 1960s: an amazing age of food experimentation. To Heston, nothing typified the decade more than...
Plot: Renowned chef Heston Blumenthal researches the cuisine of a particular era in history and serves a unique four-course feast based on it to six celebrity guests.
Plot: Food turns into mega size fantasy as Heston Blumenthal supersizes foods based on various themes. Some of his creations include a massive packet of biscuits and a tea bag and a giant Christmas pudding.
Plot: Heston Blumenthal adds a bit of revolution to regular home-style cooking. As he demonstrates the myths and truths behind everyday ingredients, he also offers some new tips on cooking innovatively.
Plot: Frequently called a culinary alchemist for his unusual approach to cooking, world-renowned chef Heston Blumenthal deconstructs classic British cuisine and analyses each and every element, hoping to create the ultimate taste sensation. From shepherd's pie to fish and chips and bangers and mash, the...