Plot: Hello Franceska is a South Korean sitcom that aired on MBC from 2005 to 2006 on Sundays at 23:00 for three seasons. The first and second seasons aired from January 24 to August 1, 2005 for 29 episodes. The third season, with new cast members, aired from September 9, 2005 to February 27, 2006 for 23...
Plot: Kim Jung-eun's Chocolate was a South Korean late-night television music program which began airing on March 11, 2008 on Tuesday nights at 12:35 am on SBS replacing Lee Juk's Music Space. It was then moved to Wednesday nights at 12:30 am, Saturday nights at 12:10 am, and now Sunday nights at 12:10 am...
Plot: Sexi Mong is a South Korean four-part drama that was aired on Channel CGV in 2007. It is about three private investigators who fight sex crimes. Wikipedia
Plot: Good Job, Good Job is a 2009 South Korean television series starring Chae Rim, Um Ki-joon, Kim Seung-soo, Kim Jung-hwa, Choi Daniel and Seo Hyo-rim. It aired on MBC from March 14 to August 2, 2009 on Saturdays and Sundays at 19:55 for 40 episodes. Wikipedia