Plot: Unexpected Q is a South Korean television entertainment program which airs on MBC every Saturday at 18:25. The show takes over the time slot of long time variety show Infinite Challenge. Wikipedia
Plot: Trick & True was a South Korean variety show, which aired on KBS2, KBS' channel for entertainment shows. The show was hosted by television comedy show host Jun Hyun-moo, Kim Jun-hyun and Lee Eun-gyeol. The show replaced Talents for Sale as it got second highest rating, 6.9% in its pilot episode. Wikipedia...
Plot: Weekly Idol is a South Korean variety show that debuted in 2011 and currently airs Wednesdays at 5:00 PM KST on MBC Every1. It is one of the longest-running variety shows to air on satellite TV in Japan. The show was hosted during its first season by comedian Jeong Hyeong-don and rapper Defconn. Wikipedia...
Plot: Girl Spirit is a South Korean reality television singing competition that premiered on cable network JTBC on July 19, 2016. The aim of the show is to highlight the talents of the vocalists of twelve lesser-known girl groups that debuted in recent years. It airs every Tuesday at 22:50. Wikipedia
Plot: Girls' Generation's Himnaera Him!, is a South Korean television reality show starring the South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The show and cast operated under the goal of being the Republic of Korea's cheering squad, with the intention of cheering up the citizens during an economic slump. Wikipedia...
Plot: Survival Audition K-pop Star is a South Korean reality TV competition series where three entertainment/talent agencies in South Korea hold worldwide auditions to find the next potential K-Pop stars. Preliminary auditions are held around the world in Asia, North America, South America, Europe, and Australia...
Plot: Star King is a South Korean television show which first aired on January 13, 2007 on the SBS network. Star King was the first TV show in Korea to run both online and on television simultaneously. The last episode of Γ’Star KingΓ’ aired on August 9, 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Crisis Escape No. 1 is a 2005 South Korean television program. It airs on KBS 2TV on Monday at 20:55 begin on July 9, 2005 end on April 11, 2016. The shows aims to inform its viewers about how to overcome various crises that they may encounter in their lives, and claims they will make everyone experts...
Plot: Hyung-don and Dae-joon's Hitmaker is a 2014 South Korean variety television series presented by South Korean producer duo Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn. It first aired on MBC Every1 on Tuesday at 6:00 pm KST beginning July 29, 2014. Wikipedia