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Heiter bis tödlich - Akte Ex
Description: Genre: Comedy, Crime Year Released: 2012 Number of seasons: 3 Number of episodes: 24 First episode air date: September 18, 2012 Genres: Comedy, Adventure, Action fiction
Plot: "Dr. Klein" is a medical and family TV series, which moves between great emotion and humor. Valerie Klein is 1,32 meter tall and the only doctor in the children's hospital, who meets the small patients at eye level. There are many conflicts to solve both at work and at home with her family. "Dr. Klein...
Plot: Thomas and Kai are neo-Nazis and live in a shared flat. One day a black woman leaves her and Thomas' 6-year-old daughter Lara with them. Living with the "black girl" challenges the beliefs of the fresh father. "Familie Braun" is a humorous web-series about the neo-Nazi Thomas and Kai. They rampage against...
Plot: Based on the novel by Thomas Engström, a former Stasi double agent is asked by his old CIA contact to work one more case. Berlin, 2011. A former Stasi double agent, Ludwig Licht, who after the fall of the Berlin Wall works as a freelance problem solver and is the number one customer in the bar he owns...
Plot: An Oslo detective with a painful past returns to his native Iceland to help a police officer hunt for a serial killer with a link to a mysterious photograph.
Plot: Forensic scientist Emma returns one day before her father's birthday from USA to her hometown Mittenwalde (Brandenburg/Germany). Because her father Peter, a coroner, has to deal with a series of odd cases, she decides to support him.