Plot: Presenter Chris Barrie explores pivotal moments in Britain's recent engineering past. Beginning with the 1910s, he examines the inventions that industrialised the nation and paved the way for World War I, then moves to the technology of the 1920s and decades beyond. From a nostalgic look at trains...
Plot: Former NASA rocket engineer Chad Zdenek gets up close and personal with mega machines to reveal the engineering principles that make them operate. Alongside salvage teams as they take machines such as a 747 jumbo jet and a hovercraft apart piece by piece, Zdenek gets one last chance to decipher how...
Plot: How does the sophisticated modern technology work? How did extreme machines change the face of our civilization and which inventions had the greatest impact on a person's daily life? Here is a fascinating story about how the newest mechanical wonders were created and what purposes they serve. How does...
Plot: The Secret Life of Machines is an educational television series presented by Tim Hunkin and Rex Garrod, in which the two explain the inner workings and history of common household and office machinery. Wikipedia
Plot: In this science fiction sitcom, Dave Lister, a chicken-soup-machine repairman, is the sole survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship, and the last known human alive. Having come out of suspended animation 3,000,000 years into the future, LIster has very limited company in deep space in the...