Plot: This TV-drama follows Sakai Shintaro, descendant of Sakai Mineji -a Byakkotai samurai-, and traces the tragedy of the Byakkotai, a military force composed of 340 16 to 17 years old boys during the Boshin War (Aizu war).
Plot: Katsu Kaishū is a 1974 Japanese television series. It is the 12th NHK taiga drama.Tetsuya Watari was forced to step down from the role of Katsu Kaishū because of his illness so he appeared only first 9 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Sanbiki ga Kiru! or Three for the Kill! is a group of seven television jidaigeki series broadcast by TV Asahi in Japan. The show aired in the Thursday evening eight o'clock time slot. Wikipedia