Plot: Harry the Bunny is a children's television show on the channel BabyFirstTV. It features a plush "talking" bunny named Harry and his many adventures both inside his house and in his backyard. The show teaches things such as color recognition, counting, etc. and even delves into social interaction and...
Plot: Hosted by LeVar Burton for more than 20 years, "Reading Rainbow" teaches reading skills, habits, and attitudes. The magazine-style format takes kids on real-life journeys with celebrity guest readers and "Kid on the Street" book recommendations. Also incorporating popular music, history and social...
Plot: The intelligent, fearless heroine 8-year-old True and best friend Bartleby, the cat, helps the whimsical citizens of the Rainbow Kingdom with their problems. The Rainbow Kingdom is full of fantastical citizens of all colors and when something goes wrong True is the only one with the ability to wake...
Plot: Squeak! is a children's TV show made by SMG Productions for the ITV network children's strand CITV. The series re-broadcast in 2007 on STV, on their wknd@stv strand - and from 2014 as part of the "Weans' World" block on STV Glasgow and STV Edinburgh. There is a DVD boxset available which features all...