Plot: Space Battleship Yamato III is the third TV season of the Space Battleship Yamato franchise, produced in Japan in 1980. The story begins at an undisclosed date, but was traditionally believed to have taken place in the year 2205 due to statements made in several of the publications devoted to Yamato...
Plot: Space Battleship Yamato II, also known as Star Blazers: The Comet Empire or Star Blazers II, is a Japanese military science fiction anime series produced by Academy Productions and Group TAC. Wikipedia
Plot: Yamato 2520 was Yoshinobu Nishizaki's attempt at a sequel to Space Battleship Yamato, set several hundred years after the original series. However, Nishizaki was sued by Leiji Matsumoto for breach of copyright. Ultimately, Yamato 2520 was left unfinished after only three episodes were released. Wikipedia...
Plot: Maeterlinck's Blue Bird: Tyltyl and Mytyl's Adventurous Journey is a 1980 Japanese animated television series directed by Hiroshi Sasagawa, with character designs from Leiji Matsumoto. It is based on the 1908 play by Maurice Maeterlinck. The series was 26-episodes long when aired on Japanese television...
Plot: Space Battleship Yamato is a Japanese science fiction anime series produced and written by Yoshinobu Nishizaki, directed by manga artist Leiji Matsumoto, and animated by Academy Productions and Group TAC. The series aired in Yomiuri TV from October 6, 1974 to March 30, 1975, totaling up to 26 episodes...
Plot: Planetary Robot Danguard Ace, is a Japanese science fiction anime series created by Leiji Matsumoto with Dan Kobayashi. Dangard Ace is Matsumoto's only contribution to Japan's ubiquitous giant robot genre. Wikipedia
Plot: Sci-Fi West Saga Starzinger, also known as Force Five: Spaceketeers in the United States, is an anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is a sci-fi remake/adaptation of Wu Cheng'en's fantasy novel Journey to the West. It was directed by Yugo Serikawa and written by Leiji Matsumoto. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Pirate Captain Harlock is a manga series written and illustrated by Leiji Matsumoto. It was serialized in Play Comic from 1977 to 1979, with the chapters collected into five tankÅbon volumes by Akita Shoten. Wikipedia
Plot: Captain Harlock is a fictional character and protagonist of the Space Pirate Captain Harlock manga series created by Leiji Matsumoto. Harlock is the archetypical Romantic hero, a space pirate with an individualist philosophy of life. Wikipedia
Plot: Queen Millennia is a manga series by Leiji Matsumoto which was serialized from 28 January 1980 through 11 May 1983 in both the Sankei Shimbun and Nishinippon Sports newspapers. Wikipedia
Plot: Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years is an animated science fiction television series produced by Harmony Gold USA. The series was created by Carl Macek by combining footage from Leiji Matsumotoâs Captain Harlock and Queen Millennia anime series. Wikipedia
Plot: Queen Millennia is a manga series by Leiji Matsumoto which was serialized from 28 January 1980 through 11 May 1983 in both the Sankei Shimbun and Nishinippon Sports newspapers. Wikipedia
Plot: Harlock battles the Illumidas while searching for a mythical Planet of Peace, where all the peoples of the universe can live freely and without war.
Plot: Maetel Legend is a 2000 anime OVA based on characters created by Leiji Matsumoto about how the planet La Maetelle becomes the planet Andromeda, also known as Planet Maetel. It serves a link between Matsumoto's previous series Queen Millennia and Galaxy Express 999. The series Space Symphony Maetel...