Plot: Netflix's latest docuseries tackles the unsolved murder of Cathy Cesnik, a beloved nun and Catholic high school teacher in Baltimore. After disappearing on Nov. 7, 1969, Cesnik's body was found nearly two months later -- but to this day, the killer remains unnamed. In the '90s, the case returned to...
Plot: After being sexually assaulted in a nightclub, Arabella's life changes irreversibly and she is forced to reassess everything, including her career, friends and family.
Plot: In February 1965, Malcolm X is murdered; three men are arrested, but only one admits to being part of the plot; decades later, one activist pledges to find the real killers, and vows to learn the truth about what officials knew regarding the crime.
Plot: Two murders that shook the small town of Ada, Okla., in the 1980s gained national attention and even led to renowned author John Grisham writing a nonfiction book about the crimes. Now Grisham serves as an executive producer for this six-part docuseries -- which shares its name with his 2006 book --...
Plot: In the 1980s, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders, which allowed grieving families to get closure for the unsolved cases. There was no direct evidence linking Lucas to the crime scenes, but he convinced authorities of his involvement by being able to sketch victims' portraits and cite brutal...