Plot: Under the rule of Shogun Ienari, the samurais and the townspeople are all discontented and grumbling about their lot in life. Amidst all these, there lives a man by the name of Jirokichi, popularly known as Nezumi Kozo. Jirokichi runs a bar with the help of his sister, Kosode. Unbeknownst to everyone...
Plot: Mick Brisgau is a cop who spent 20 years in a coma after being shot in the head. When he wakes up, the world around him has changed and he has to relearn everything, including police techniques.
Plot: Boku to Star no 99 Nichi is a Japanese television series which premiered on Fuji TV in October 2011. It starred Japanese actor Hidetoshi Nishijima and Korean actress Kim Tae-hee. Wikipedia
Plot: There is a new directive that stipulates all interrogations by the cops should be recorded. The cops gather at their headquarters to ostensibly be trained on what this means for their work. They are told to interrogate suspects correctly, but witness one who seemingly regrets nothing. When the interrogation...