Plot: This vibrant series brings brilliant books to life, with engaging sign language performances and exciting animation. There's everything from the best-loved fairytales, to modern picture books and stories about looking after our planet.
Plot: Based on the much-loved Grimm's Fairy Tales, telling classic stories in a creative and new way. Designed to stimulate young minds and encouraging kids to learn about key morals.
Plot: Four fairytale friends go on magical adventures and become reading-powered superheroes. The characters live in Storybook Village, which is accessible through a panel that is represented by an invisible question mark. Preschool children follow the Super Readers as they jump into books that come to life...
Plot: Two children find a dragonscale, and have fun socializing with dragons. The series focused on the exploits of two siblings, Emmy and Max, in possession of an enchanted dragon scale capable of transporting them to a whimsical fantasy land inhabited by colorful anthropomorphic dragons upon their recitation...