Plot: When eccentric man-child Pee-wee Herman gets his beloved bike stolen in broad daylight, he sets out across the U.S. on the adventure of his life. The cartoonish and childish character Pee-wee Herman goes on a big adventure for the first time ever when his beloved shiny new bicycle is stolen by his nemesis...
Plot: Un drame sur l'artiste Margaret Keane, son succès phénoménal dans les années 1950 et les difficultés juridiques qu'elle a connues par la suite avec son mari, qui s'est attribué la paternité de ses oeuvres dans les années 1960. In San Francisco in the 1950s, Margaret was a woman trying to make...
Plot: An orphan who lives with his two cruel aunts befriends anthropomorphic bugs who live inside a giant peach, and they embark on a journey to New York City. James' happy life at the English seaside is rudely ended when his parents are killed by a rhinoceros and he goes to live with his two horrid aunts...
Plot: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is back in this hilarious, side-splitting sequel to the 1988 blockbuster starring Micheal Keaton. In this sequel, Beetlejuice takes us on a journey to the land of Boz...just follow the purple block path where you'll meet the sorcerer of Boz and he'll grant you three...
Plot: Ray Winstone plays the title character in this private-eye drama. Vincent, his partner Beth, and the other members of their team are hired to spy on people. From suspected cheating spouses to the hunt for a killer, former cop Vincent and his crew do what it takes to bring the bad guys to justice.
Plot: Red Riding Hood, who is currently in training with the covert 'Sister Hoods' group, is called upon, along with the Wolf, to look into the sudden disappearance of Hansel and Gretel.
Plot: Zahra, a devout Saudi studying in Southern California, juggles expectations from family back home and the enticement of new friends. Siblings, Gretel and Hansel live in the countryside with their mother. When times are hard and Gretel can't find work, their mother sends them out to fend for themselves...