Plot: Jefferson Anderson is a Finnish animated sitcom. The computer-animated series portrays a satirical view of daily events in Helsinki at a police precinct in the suburb of Pasila. The series is made by members of the same team that made the award-winning series The Autocrats, a political animated satire...
Plot: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a series of first-person shooter survival horror video games developed by Ukrainian video game developer GSC Game World for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Elf Toljander is a Finnish television show for children. It was broadcast by Yle TV2. It was first presented in 1998. One section takes about five minutes. Yle TV2 made new episodes in 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2013. A CD titled Who will it all means invents was released in 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Pajama Party is an American talk show broadcast in 2000 and hosted by Katie Puckrik. The series was an American remake of the British television series Pyjama Party also created by Puckrik which she hosted in 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: Pikku Kakkonen is an ongoing Finnish magazine-type children's TV show shown on Yle TV2. The first episode aired on January 11, 1977. It finished with a bedtime story read by the late Lasse Pöysti and an East German Sandman animation, setting the format for hundreds of later episodes. Wikipedia