Plot: Spooky Romantics is a Japanese comedy television drama series broadcast on TV Tokyo. It premiered on January 9, 2015 and ended on March 28, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: 37.5°C no Namida is a Japanese shÅjo manga series written and illustrated by Chika Shiina. Published by Shogakukan, it was serialized on Cheese! magazine, with three volumes compiling the chapters released so far. A Japanese television drama series adaptation aired on TBS from July 9, 2015...
Plot: Smoking Gun is a 2014 Japanese television series based on the manga. The live-action series was announced on January 11, 2014. It aired on Fuji Television from April 9 to June 18, 2014. It starred Shingo Katori, Mariya Nishiuchi, Honami Suzuki and ShÅsuke Tanihara. Wikipedia
Plot: This is a story about the detectives at the Jinnan Police Station in Harajuku, Tokyo. Azumi Tsuyoshi, head of the Criminal Affairs Department trusts his staff and usually does not interfere with their investigation. However, one day, a dead body is found in the neighborhood. Toyo Ota, a neighbor, is...