Plot: Happy Marriage!? is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Maki Enjōji. It began serialization in Shogakukan's josei magazine Petit Comic on June 14, 2009 and ran until September 23, 2012. It is completed in 10 volumes. It has been published in French by Kazé and in German by Tokyopop....
Plot: Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship.
Plot: Frustrated by life with her boyfriend, thirty-something Wako can't stop herself from being interested in high schooler Yumeaki, despite their age gap.
Plot: The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocalist; Tae Kyung's voice was damaged.
Plot: Sammy is often confused for a boy due to her appearance. So when she lands a job at a coffee shop, she keeps the ruse going. Problems arise when Harry, her boss, starts falling in love with her.
Plot: A color-blind girl from a family of mages travels back in time to 2018 and attends high school with her grandmother's younger self on a quest to get in touch with her closed-off emotions.
Plot: Crown Prince Lee Gak transports 300 years into the future following the death of his wife. In 21st century Seoul, he meets Joo Se-Na, a woman with an uncanny resemblance to the deceased princess.