Plot: Han Xin (Oho Ou) is a young man with insurmountable abilities, but his talents are not appreciated in his time and he endures the abuse and humiliation from others. One day, a mysterious man in black offers Han Xin a chance to change his fate. Through the power of the gods, the man in black will help...
Plot: Qianlong Dynasty is a Chinese television series based on the novel Qianlong Huangdi by Eryue He. The series was preceded by Yongzheng Dynasty in 1997 and Kangxi Dynasty in 2001, both of which were also based on Eryue He's novels. Wikipedia
Plot: 1911 Revolution is a Chinese television series based on the events of the Xinhai Revolution, which brought an end to imperial rule in China in 1911. It was first broadcast on CCTV-1 during prime time on 27 September 2011. It was specially produced to mark the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution...
Plot: The Rise of the Tang Empire is a Chinese television series based on the events in the Zhenguan era during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang dynasty. The 50 episodes long series is directed by Zhang Jianya and written by Ah Cheng and Meng Xianshi. It was first broadcast on BTV in China in December...
Plot: The Affaire in the Swing Age, also known as The Dynasty or Love Against Kingship, is a 2003 Chinese television series based on the novel Jiangshan Fengyu Qing by Zhu Sujin, who was also the screenwriter for the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Kangxi Dynasty is a 2001 Chinese television series based on the novel Kangxi Da Di by Eryue He. The series is a prequel to the 1997 television series Yongzheng Dynasty, and was followed by Qianlong Dynasty in 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: During the Warring States era, Qin State ruler Duke Xiao enlists the services of statesman Shang Yang to enact bold reforms that will transform Western China.
Plot: Dongfang Shuo is a 2008 Chinese historical and biographical television series centered on Dongfang Shuo, a Han dynasty scholar-official, fangshi, author, and court jester to Emperor Wu. It is base on the novel Wisdom Holy Dongfang Shuo by Dongfang Longyin. Wikipedia
Plot: Qin Shi Huang is a Chinese television series based on the life of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor who unified China under the Qin dynasty in 221 BC. The series was filmed between 1999 and 2000 and was first released in 2001 in Hong Kong and Thailand and in 2002 in Singapore. Wikipedia
Plot: MythAdventures or Myth Adventures is a fantasy series created by Robert Lynn Asprin. After twelve novels by Asprin, published 1978 to 2002, he and Jody Lynn Nye continued the series with seven more books. After his death in May 2008, she intended to complete their plans. Wikipedia
Plot: Chu Han Zhengxiong is a Chinese television series directed by Chen Jialin. The plot, based on the historical novel of the same Chinese title by Xiong Cheng, retells the events in the ChuâHan Contention, an interregnum between the fall of the Qin dynasty and the founding of the Han...
Plot: The story of Emperor Wu of Han, one of the greatest emperors in the Chinese history. During his reign he faced many challenges, from the murder of his grandmother to rebellions led by his uncle and cousins.
Plot: The Emperor in Han Dynasty, also released under the title The Emperor Han Wu in some countries, is a 2005 Chinese historical television series based on the life of Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty. It uses the historical texts Records of the Grand Historian and Book of Han as its source material. Wikipedia...
Plot: Battlefield is a series of first-person shooter video games that started out on Microsoft Windows and OS X with Battlefield 1942, which was released in 2002. The series is developed by Swedish company EA DICE and is published by American company Electronic Arts. Wikipedia
Plot: The Conqueror's Story is a Hong Kong television series based on the events in the ChuâHan Contention, an interregnum between the fall of the Qin dynasty and the founding of the Han dynasty in Chinese history. It was first broadcast in 2004 in Hong Kong on TVB Jade. Wikipedia
Plot: In 210 BC, during the upheaval following the death of Emperor Qin, insurgent warriors Xiang Yu and Liu Bang fight for control of the Chinese Empire.
Plot: History in the early Han Dynasty begins with its founding by Emperor Gaozu after his triumph over Xiang Yu, and events leading to the reign of Emperor Wen.
Plot: The Story of Han Dynasty is a Chinese television series based on the events in the ChuâHan Contention, an interregnum between the fall of the Qin dynasty and the founding of the Han dynasty in Chinese history. The series was first broadcast on CCTV in China in 2003. Wikipedia