Plot: "Wealth and children are an ornament of life of the world. But the good deeds which endure are better in thy Lord's sight for reward",Social drama entitled money and sons about two families, one is rich while the other is poor and the conflict in principles between both families. "Wealth and children...
Plot: Revolves around the conflict between the Azaizah Family and Swalem Family that try to take the parliament chair from the Azaizah whatever it costs.
Plot: In the context of excitement and suspense, the series revolves around the drug dealer Afandina (Mustafa Shaban) who tries to monopolize the drug trade, with a strong competitor such as the teacher (Al-Noah) and his son (Bara'a) who seek revenge for (Gharib Al-Nuh) after he killed him (Afandina) ). In...
Plot: The first part of the series revolves around three young people who live in a popular neighborhood, and because of their carelessness and recklessness they are exposed to many problems and comedy situations. The events of the second part of the series revolve around human conflict and the creation of...