Plot: BlackBoxTV Presents is an American horror anthology web series created by Tony E. Valenzuela and Philip DeFranco. The first season, which featured a cast of YouTube creators including DeFranco, iJustine and Shane Dawson, was self-funded by Valenzuela and debuted on the BlackBoxTV YouTube channel on...
Plot: Epic Meal Time is a Canadian YouTube cooking show known for creating extremely high-calorie meals, generally out of meat products and including alcohol. It debuted in October 2010, and since then has started to release an episode every Tuesday. It is hosted by Harley Morenstein and a group of his friends...
Plot: Brian, a below-average gamer, enters an elite video game high school ranked at the bottom of his class. He makes friends, but he must prove to himself and others that he belongs there.
Plot: My Drunk Kitchen is a cooking show and comedy series of short videos created and posted on YouTube by Hannah Hart beginning in March 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: In the first episode of Little Horribles Amy has a great night but a less than stellar morning-after. Amy experiences one of those fast-tracked relationships where everything is magical and then all of a sudden everything implodes -quickly and painfully. In the first episode of Little Horribles Amy...
Plot: Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy is a ten-part series of webisodes that was broadcast in the mid-season break of season 4 of Battlestar Galactica. The episodes are between 3 and 6 minutes in length, with two released per week. The series was written by Jane Espenson and Seamus Kevin Fahey...
Plot: Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal go on an adventure when their co-ex-girlfriend threatens to take over their YouTube show, "Good Mythical Morning."
Plot: The Philip DeFranco Show, often abbreviated and referred to as the PDS, is a pop culture and news series created by American YouTube personality, Philip DeFranco, and his main claim to fame. The show has gone through several schedule changes through its lifetime, but as of 2020, airs weekly, Monday...
Plot: The Bannen Way is an American crime drama web series starring Mark Gantt as Neal Bannen, a third generation criminal who wants to get out of the con man lifestyle he's been living. Wikipedia
Plot: The Secret World of Jeffree Star is an American documentary series created by YouTuber Shane Dawson. The web series was announced on July 24, 2018 through Dawson's Twitter which immediately attracted the attention of worldwide news outlets. Its premiere debuted August 1, 2018 on Dawson's YouTube channel...
Plot: Brown Girls is an American comedy web series created by Fatimah Asghar and Sam Bailey. It follows two friends, Leila and Patricia, who pursue their dreams in Chicago. Wikipedia
Plot: William Shatner built his early TV legacy exploring the future, but the "Star Trek" icon has been living in the past since the 1970s. That's when he bought a modest home in California after noticing it on daily jogs. Originally a one-room hunting lodge, then expanded over the years, the dwelling never...
Plot: Epic Fu is a web series created by new media producers Steve Woolf and Zadi Diaz. The show premiered on June 1, 2006 with Diaz as the host. Wikipedia