Plot: Dee Dee Blanchard is overprotective of her daughter, Gypsy, who is trying to escape the toxic relationship she has with her mother. Gypsy's quest for independence opens up a Pandora's box of secrets, which ultimately leads to murder. The stranger-than-fiction true-crime series is based on a 2016 BuzzFeed...
Plot: Hot on the heels of the success of `My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding' comes `A Gypsy Life for Me,' which follows key figures in the Traveller world. Cameras trace the movements of Jake Bowers and Tracy Nedic, promoters of the show `Travellers Got Talent,' as they visit Gypsy communities, searching for participants...
Plot: Their world is not so secretive anymore, not after being the subjects of one of Britain's highest-rated documentary series ever. It was only a matter of time, then, before a U.S. network jumped at the chance to air this portrait of the Gypsy and Irish Traveller cultures in the U.K. Given rare access...
Plot: It's clear the big stars of the Gypsy programming on TLC are the dressmakers. On the heels of "Bling It On," which profiles the work of fashion designer Sondra Celli on "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding," comes "Little Shop of Gypsies," a series that features Thelma Madine, a British dressmaker who...
Plot: After 28-year-old Susan Powell disappears from her home in West Valley City, Utah, her husband, Josh, unsettles police with his odd behavior, leading them to suspect he knows what really happened to his wife and the mother of his two young sons.