Plot: This is the story of the struggles given for reaching and staying always at the top, at every expense. The story of Zeynep the movie star, whose beauty and fame reached the peak. She then marries a rich, powerful and good-looking businessman called Sahin. Sahin is ready to spend all his fortune for...
Plot: Ãılgın BediÅ is a Turkish youth television series that first displayed in tv in 1996. The first part was published on Monday, July 8. From 1999 until 1996, Kanal D aired the series. In 2000 it shifted to a different channel, passed to the Show TV. The series ended in 2001. Yonca...
Plot: The happy life of Ebru, a Turkish woman, changes forever when her husband disappears in his hometown. Ebru travels there to discover the lies her husband was hiding from her, as well as a complex web of passions and family dramas.
Plot: A cab stop in Istanbul...The stop's owner Ramazan, is an old skilled driver. Sly, serious, sober and fatherly...A big cab family with Celal the actor, Seker Kazim, Kenan, Omer, Erdal, Ekrem and the stop's tea maker Abuzer... The never ending problems of their families, contradictions and plenty of happenings...
Plot: Mehmet, a mischievous six-year-old boy, tries everything possible to avoid the divorce of his parents, Sanem, a neurologist, and Ali, an advertising professional.
Plot: The life story of three faithful schoolmates: Pervin, Gul and Ayse. As going through the struggles of life, they always back up each other. They are the three aces of a volleyball team, too. After being graduated, every year they meet at Naci Baba's (Father Naci) café for their anniversary. Each of...
Plot: Kınalı Kar is a miniseries portraying the love stories of several people in the fictional Turkish village of Kınalı Kar, most notably Ali and Nazar. Wikipedia
Plot: Three orphans separated at childhood find their destinies intertwining many years later It started with a woman called Rosa, who gave birth to a little baby girl but her family was against her raising the baby all alone with no father so they took the baby from her and gave her to a woman called Julia...
Plot: Son, is a Turkish psychological thriller series produced by Ay Yapım, broadcast on ATV and directed by Ezel's director Uluç Bayraktar. Starring actors are YiÄit ÃzÅener, Nehir ErdoÄan, Erkan Can, Berrak Tüzünataç, and Engin Altan Düzyatan. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bahar is rushing for everything. Nazim does not move for anything. Bahar always thinks of the future, Nazim lives the moment. Bahar is a ruling feminine. There is, however, a very strong adhesive that holds them together; love. Nazim fell in love with Bahar during his university years. Bahar is rushing...
Plot: Aynali Tahir is a person trying to maintain order with a group of friends in his neighborhood. His biggest opponent is Tilki Ekrem. Since Tahir shot Tilki and entered jail, the control of the neighborhood is now in Tilki. The whole neighborhood thinks that Tahir should come out of prison as soon as...