Plot: In Berlin at the end of the 19th century, Ida works as an assistant nurse at the world-famous Charité Hospital in order to pay off her debts to the medical facility. While there, she encounters brilliant physicians and discovers her passion for medicine as she comes to the realization that she is in...
Plot: After being wrongly fired, a young investment banker receives an offer for her dream job. Forced to give up everything, she commits to her new position, but realises that her former boss has been manipulating her.
Plot: In a divided Germany in 1983, naive 24-year-old East German soldier Martin Rauch is pulled from his benign post as a border guard and given a new assignment: undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service in West Germany. Hiding in plain sight as Moritz Stamm in the West German army, Rauch must gather...
Plot: Georg Wilsberg, a passionate book antiquarian in Münster, Germany, also works as a private detective for which he often calls in his best friend and his niece - often against their wills.
Plot: Sophie Haas wanted to be promoted to head of the Cologne Murder Department but instead of climbing the career ladder, she is unexpectedly transferred to Hengasch.
Plot: Wilhelm and his younger friends, Friedhelm, Charlotte, Viktor and Greta, part ways in the summer of 1941 in Berlin, with the promise to reunite after the war.
Plot: Forensic scientist Emma returns one day before her father's birthday from USA to her hometown Mittenwalde (Brandenburg/Germany). Because her father Peter, a coroner, has to deal with a series of odd cases, she decides to support him.
Plot: Tom and Hanna have yet to settle into life over the hill, and old lovers emerge. The kids are suddenly behind the wheel, and colonoscopies are deemed a suitable topic of dinner-party conversation.
Plot: Based on the novel by Thomas Engström, a former Stasi double agent is asked by his old CIA contact to work one more case. Berlin, 2011. A former Stasi double agent, Ludwig Licht, who after the fall of the Berlin Wall works as a freelance problem solver and is the number one customer in the bar he owns...