Plot: The seventh season of this "drop weight, gain exposure" reality series assembles eight more celebrities searching for a healthier lifestyle. As always, they're divided into two teams and challenged to lose weight through a series of physical and mental exercises, with encouragement (and harsh words...
Plot: Based on an idea pitched during a Season 4 episode of "The Surreal Life," this unscripted series follows former "The Brady Bunch" star Christopher Knight and "America's Next Top Model" winner Adrianne Curry in the early days of their relationship. At first, Knight is reluctant to seriously consider...
Plot: "Couples Therapy" examines why many people in celebrity relationships struggle by having high-profile couples undergo the counseling of Dr. Jenn Mann, a nationally renowned psychotherapist. Season 6 features five couples whose connections are at a crossroads: "Mob Wives" fan-favorite Angela "Big Ang...
Plot: It's almost impossible to survive in the highly competitive hotel business without competent customer service, because patrons who experience an unhappy hotel stay often visit online review sites to tell their negative stories. And once word gets around, guests stop coming around. That's when Anthony...
Plot: Sir Alan Sugar tests the nerves and brains of the hungriest hopefuls in the business world as they compete to win a six-figure salary job as his apprentice.
Plot: From making movies, acting in sitcoms and performing his stand-up routine, Eddie Griffin keeps himself busy. And he earns a nice living doing so, too. But all is not well for the former "Malcolm & Eddie" star, though, as detailed in this reality series, because his large family -- he has eight children...
Plot: Nationally renowned psychotherapist Dr. Jenn Mann, who host's VH1's "Couples Therapy," returns to the network to dole out more relationship advice. This time she counsels family members who have found that fame and fortune doesn't buy happiness, heal past wounds or solve deep-rooted issues. Participants...
Plot: The reality never ends, folks. Watch as 32 leading men and women from 16 reality TV shows are pitted against one another in homage to the hit series "Battle of the Stars." Ready, set ... camp!
Plot: Ten celebrities -- including former "Bewitched" child star Erin Murphy and reality personalty Trishelle Cannatella -- train and face off in a series of competitive wrestling challenges in pursuit of the title of Celebrity All-Star Wrestling Champion. Each week, a player is sent home, based on the outcome...
Plot: The doors of the Pasadena Recovery Center once again open to celebrities for a detoxification and treatment program supervised by Dr. Drew Pinsky. Cameras unflinchingly document the treatment process, a painful and deeply emotional journey that offers hope for a better future, if not a guarantee of...
Plot: Sufferers of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder face their intense, irrational fears in an effort to stop the anxiety disorder's vicious cycle. Under the care of Dr. David Tolin, a clinical psychologist and behavioral expert, the patients move in together to undergo a taxing treatment process called...
Plot: In this adaptation of a popular radio show, Dr. Drew Pinsky dispenses relationship advice to callers, assisted by celebrity guests and co-host Adam Carolla.
Plot: The Rodman World Tour was a television talk show hosted by NBA "bad boy" and some-time actor Dennis Rodman. It aired on MTV for its 1996 season and had 13 episodes. The show was noted for its odd-ball situations such as Rodman interviewing guests from his bed. Wikipedia
Plot: Time flies for everyone, but it's even more fleeting for the studly stars such as Christopher Atkins ("The Blue Lagoon"). Eric Nies ("The Real World") and Adrian Zmed ("Grease 2"), who try to recapture a glimmer of their glory days as they share a home base in this reality series.
Plot: The doctor is in the house -- well, he never actually left -- but now he's on call just three nights a week. For Dr. Drew Pinsky, it's a new approach to his formerly titled Headline News program "Dr. Drew," with an emphasis on the host interacting more freely on live TV with his audience, both in the...
Plot: Not only are there bad boyfriends in the third season of this reality series, but for the first time bad girlfriends join the mix, as well as a lesbian and married couple. The better half in each relationship has secretly nominated their unfaithful, untrustworthy partner for a program designed to transform...
Plot: Noted physician and veteran TV host Dr. Drew Pinsky, who is widely known as just Dr. Drew, enters the daytime-TV game in this half-hour show in which he helps guests dealing with issues ranging from various addictions (including shopping and hoarding) to health issues. Pinsky and a panel of experts...
Plot: Out of Dr. Drew Pinsky's in-patient treatment program and into a sober living facility go the second-season cast, a combination of patients from Dr. Drew's other reality series, "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sex Rehab." They include Tom Sizemore, Heidi Fleiss, Dennis Rodman, Jennifer Ketcham and Kari Ann...
Plot: He has helped celebrities kick chemical dependency on "Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew." Now Dr. Drew Pinsky turns his attention to a lesser-known problem, sexual addictions. The eight patients include a surfing champion, a Playboy Playmate, two former porn stars and a name that "Celebrity Rehab" watchers...