Plot: Mavi Kelebekler puts a human face on Balkan War and centers on the real pains of Bosnian people. Aida (Oya Okar) is a Bosnian girl standing right between the love of a Bosnian friend (Murat) and a Serbian former neighbor and next enemy (Marko). Its 1992 and Yugoslavias civil war is raging. Mavi Kelebekler...
Plot: Rom-com Movie, directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa, stars Ayushmann Khurrana who plays a 'dream girl'. In every love story, there is always one trying to win the heart of the other, who could be the 'dream girl'.
Plot: Bulut returns to the eastern town where he lived years later as a young and idealist prosecutor. Beyaz works with her mother in the mansion as a servant. Beyaz was raped by Tahir. But she can never voiced it and defend her rights, because a lot of innocent people who are not closely related to her mother...