Plot: In the city of Baltimore, Detective James McNulty and his team investigate crimes and try their best to solve the bridge that exists between the drug kingpins and the law enforcement agencies.
Plot: This drama takes viewers into the housing estates of east London. There is tension between the drug gangs that operate almost openly and those who strive to live honest lives against the odds in the crime-riddled area. That tension is explored through the interlocking stories of 20-something drug dealer...
Plot: The FBI finds a strange woman in a bag, in Times Square. With absolutely no memory of her past and mysterious tattoos all over her body, she embarks on a journey to determine her identity.
Plot: This series is largely remembered for the stylish clothes Detectives Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs wore, the soundtrack, and its distinct visuals. But beneath the veneer is a surprisingly dark cop show. The cocaine boom of the 1980s framed many stories about drugs and murder, with Crockett and Tubbs...
Plot: Set in Denmark and based on the novels of Elsebeth Egholm, this series follows a crime reporter named Dicte Svendsen who has moved back to her hometown of Aarhus with her teenage daughter following a difficult divorce. A sociable character, Svendsun enjoys nothing more than meeting up with her friends...
Plot: The first season of the American television drama series Mayans M.C. premiered on September 4, 2018 and concluded on November 6, 2018, after 10 episodes aired on cable network FX. Mayans M.C. is an American crime drama television series created by Kurt Sutter and Elgin James. Wikipedia