Plot: Burlacul is a Romanian reality television dating game show debuting in 2010 on Antena 1. The first season was hosted by Lucian Marinescu, in season 2 he was replaced by host and designer CÄtÄlin Botezatu. From season 6 onwards, the series will be hosted by RÄzvan Fodor. There...
Plot: Fructul oprit is a psychological drama produced by Intact Media Group for Antena 1, which premiered on January 15, 2018. The series is a free adaptation of the novel Ask-i Memnu by Halit Ziya Usakligil, from 1900, and the action is placed in Bucharest, Snagov and Istanbul modern. Fructul oprit is a...
Plot: Next Star is a Romanian reality competition television series broadcast on the Romanian television station Antena 1. It debuted in 2013. The focus of the series was to discover singing talent in those aged 3 to 13 years. The top prize is 20,000 euros. Wikipedia
Plot: MireasÄ pentru fiul meu is a Romanian reality matrimonial show produced by Sinevizyon TV Production. The first series started on 29 August 2011 and it is broadcast by Antena 1 channel in Romania. The competition is hosted by singer and TV host Mirela Boureanu Vaida. Wikipedia