Plot: Hyvät ja huonot uutiset is a Finnish comedy panel game television show airing on channel Nelonen on Wednesday evenings. The show first aired on January 18, 2012 featuring the presenter Henkka Hyppönen and regular panelists Mikko Kuustonen, Pirjo Heikkilä, Tuomas Kyrö, Miika Nousiainen and...
Plot: Sincerely Yours in Cold Blood is a Finnish crime drama television series that aired on Nelonen from February 29, 2000 to November 29, 2005. All of its 30 episodes are based on true crime cases. Wikipedia
Plot: Heikoin Lenkki is the Finnish version of the internationally recognized show The Weakest Link, which debuted on BBC Two in August 2000. It was hosted by journalist Kirsi Salo. It premiered in 2002, but after three years, the show was axed due to the host's pregnancy. Wikipedia
Plot: Talent Suomi is the Finnish version of the Got Talent format of the program and airs on Nelonen. The idea behind the programme is to search for the most talented and promising entertainment. Talent contest took off for the first time in Finland at the end of September 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Aspiring entrepreneurs from around the world pitch their business models to a panel of investors and persuade them to invest money in their idea.
Plot: A top-rated travel documentary in Finland, the adult-oriented "Madventures" is the brainchild of popular Finnish TV host Riku Rantala and compatriot Tunna Milonoff, a director and cinematographer by trade. The pair, armed with nothing by backpacks and cameras, explore the world's most obscure and insane...