Plot: Bobby Flay is known for his barbecue so this is the perfect show for him to showcase his barbecuing skills. In this series, Flay takes outdoor grilling to the next level by showcasing his expert grilling techniques in surprising ways. The chef, surrounded by a sea of grills and his favorite grilling...
Plot: Locales in various cities across the country "get their grill on" in epic barbecue contests. Hosted by chef G. Garvin, each episode offers two teams of grill masters a chance to prove that they've got the chops to represent their town with the tastiest, most-creative and best-presented BBQ. The neighborhood...
Plot: Travel Channel turns the growing subculture of hobbyists who are building insane, tricked-out barbecue grills into a competition. Set in a different American city, each episode features three teams facing off with their homemade mega-grills to see which team has the best BBQ skills. The team with the...
Plot: The world-renowned chef, restaurateur, TV star and author goes in search of all that is grilled, smoked and barbecued, visiting BBQ joints no one else knows about (but they will now), meeting colorful characters and discovering the delicacies and flavors that make barbecuing a unique American cooking...
Plot: Cocineros argentinos is an Argentine Cooking show, hosted by Guillermo Calabrese. It is aired at the TV pública channel since 2009. It won the 2013 Tato award as best TV program of services. Wikipedia