Plot: On 22 1993, a black teenager, Stephen Lawrence, was brutally murdered at a bus stop by a group of white youths in an unprovoked attack. Due to failures in the police investigation, the killers walked free. 25 years later, acclaimed filmmakers Asif Kapadia and James Gay-Rees tell the story behind a...
Plot: Turner Prize Award winner Grayson Perry explores what it means to be a modern man in Britain today. Perry, a father of one who enjoys cross-dressing and mountain biking, discusses contemporary masculinity with people from male-dominated worlds. The presenter uses the personal stories of those he meets...
Plot: During lockdown earlier this year, Grayson Perry brought the nation together through art. In this celebratory special, he visits the Manchester gallery showing artworks from the series.
Plot: Rituals are an integral part of every culture. The host sheds light on various astonishing, bizarre and dangerous rituals practised by different communities and tribes across the globe.
Plot: Artist and social commentator Grayson Perry crosses the US, exploring its biggest fault lines, from race to class and identity, making art as he goes.
Plot: British artist Grayson Perry examines the nation's tastes in this programme in which he examines why people buy the things they do and why they wear what they wear. Grayson not only observes Britons' taste but also tells viewers in artwork what it means. His work, a series of six tapestries called...