Plot: Filmed across multiple continents, this series from PBS and National Geographic Studios traces the history and legacy of the ancient Greeks. From the creation of democracy to the development of art, architecture and philosophy, the series explores some of the greatest achievements of the ancient Greeks...
Plot: Classicist Dr Michael Scott uncovers the strange, alien world of the ancient Greeks, exploring the lives of the people who gave us democracy, architecture, philosophy, language, literature and sport.
Plot: Investigative journalist David Adams presents this programme on which he takes viewers on a dangerous journey, hoping to become the first man to explore the 1,500-mile course of the River Oxus through war-torn areas of Afghanistan and Central Asia. Adams' enthusiasm for the ancient world sets him off...
Plot: Exploring the greatest empires, highlighting and exposing the political intrigue, personal vendettas, family mayhem, acts of vengeance and the ever-evolving turmoil and chaos that shaped these civilisations and led to their destruction from within.
Plot: Rome, Egypt and Greece are some of the topics covered in this series that explores architectural and engineering feats that were characteristic of some of history's greatest societies. Computer renderings help illustrate the methods used in building such structures as the Parthenon. Actor Peter Weller...