Plot: Seven families from around the country take the vacation of a lifetime, competing against each other for a dream prize. The families travel along the legendary Route 66, through big towns and small, and past iconic American backdrops like the Grand Canyon and the St. Louis archway, as well as less-...
Plot: D. Appleton & Company, in New York, published a series of travel guides in the 19th century, including `Appleton's General Guide to the United States', a book documenting the US railroad system in 1879 amongst others. British railway enthusiast Michael Portillo takes his copy of the guides around the...
Plot: In this travelogue, host David Keeps brings viewers on a drive down historic highways and hidden country roads across the United States, showcasing some of what the country has to offer. Among the highlights of Keeps' journey are visiting lighthouses in Northern California, meeting a Pennsylvania couple...