Plot: Press Your Luck is an American television game show created by Bill Carruthers and Jan McCormack. It premiered on CBS daytime on September 19, 1983, and ended on September 26, 1986. The format is a retooling of an earlier Carruthers production, Second Chance, hosted by Jim Peck and which aired on ABC...
Plot: Luna the moon guides three friends -- a wombat, a butterfly and a frog -- as they visit new places around the world with their parents' travelling performance troupe.
Plot: Created by viewer demand, the series is a spinoff of "This Old House" and answers specific remodeling questions that viewers send in. The cast includes host Kevin O'Connor, general contractor Tom Silva, heating/plumbing master Richard Trethewey and landscaper Roger Cook, who spend the hour focusing...
Plot: Earth science and astronomy take center stage in this animated series from PBS Kids. Two neighborhood kids -- Sean and Sydney -- befriend the new kid on the block, Jet Propulsion, who just happens to be an alien from planet Bortron 7. Together they explore the solar system and how it affects the planet...
Plot: More in Common is an American news program hosted by Michael Koenigs that airs on ABC television. It premiered on July 21, 2018 on Facebook Watch and expanded into a half-hour broadcast TV show on November 3, 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Paid Programming is a television pilot for Cartoon Network's late night programing block that premiered, unannounced, in the United States on the night of November 2, 2009, and was then re-aired every Monday through Friday night until December 4, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Video Gospel is a television series airing on Black Entertainment Television, featuring gospel music videos. It began airing during the 1989 season. It also aired from 2000-2005 and 2010-2011. It originally began airing as the companion series to Video Soul which aired on BET from 1981 to 1996. Wikipedia...
Plot: SABC 2's new flagship gospel programme. Join energetic presenters Linda Sibiya and Bongani Nchang featuring the Gospel Classics Band as they invite various gospel artists onto the show and take South Africa down memory lane. The show closes with the charismatic Pastor Sthembiso Zondo who delivers nuggets...