Plot: `Great Art', produced by Seventh Art Production and originally released in cinemas under `Exhibition on Screen', explores the work and life of the world's most famous and celebrated artists. The series discusses icons such as the Impressionists, Canoletto, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Vermeer. The...
Plot: Tim Marlow leads a tour of the rich collection of art at the Courtauld Institute, revealing the stories behind great works by artists including Goya, Picasso and Rembrandt.
Plot: This documentary profiles renowned artists and their relationships with their muses. Over the series, the love stories of painters, musicians and artists are revealed and explored in context to their work and careers. The influences of romance and passion are discussed in each case study, with the...
Plot: In partnership with the world-renowned Tate Britain art institution, this epic travelogue aims to understand and connect with some of the iconic landscape artists of Britain. Every episode, art historian Gus Casely-Hayford accompanies a guest celebrity of the arts, and together they seek to explore...
Plot: 100 Great Paintings is a British television series broadcast in 1980 on BBC 2, devised by Edwin Mullins. He chose 20 thematic groups, such as war, the Adoration, the language of color, the hunt, and bathing, picking five paintings from each. Wikipedia