Plot: Major Anastasia Kamenskaya, crime analyst, investigates the death of Justice Department officer, a young woman. A closer look at what seemed to be an accident results in a dangerous game where the price is Kamenskaya's life. Late 1990s - early 2000s. Crime has gotten out of the control of law enforcement...
Plot: Aleksandr Kolchak, an officer in the Russian navy, ascends to power amid a revolution and fights for the soul of the country he believes in, but he is privately hampered by efforts to maintain an affair without his wife's knowledge.
Plot: There are rumors that the village of Anisovka will be razed to the ground and a railway bridge will be built in its place. The villagers don't know what to do - to abandon their houses and go the town, or to wait and see. They invite a psychologist to help them out of their dilemma, and the lives of...
Plot: The Thaw is a Russian television series which debuted in 2013. Valery Todorovsky debuted as a TV director with it. The series is a melodrama about life in the Soviet Union during the Khrushchev Thaw, specifically about film artists of the age. Relational is that Todorovsky's father worked on film in...
Plot: Liquidation is a highly popular Russian television series, which parallels the famous The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed with notable ethical shift. In the "Meeting Place", chief of criminal investigations Gleb Zheglov had a modus operandi "Thief must go to prison, no matter how I put him there"....
Plot: The Idiot is a costume drama TV series of Vladimir Bortko produced by Russia TV Channel in 2003, based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's 1869 novel of the same title. The series' script is very close to Dostoevsky's original text, and the series features well-known Russian actors. Wikipedia
Plot: A quartet of childhood pals who create a business together find themselves at the core of a powerful Moscow gang in the aftermath of an unplanned murder.
Plot: Moscow Saga is a Russian television series loosely based on the eponymous trilogy Vasily Aksyonov. The shooting took place in the winter and spring of 2004. It aired from 11 October to 12 November 2004 on Channel One Russia. Wikipedia