Description: The series chronicles the goings-on of various people in a small Pennsylvanian town which is renowned for its piano company. Tom and Carol Anne Smithson move to the tiny town of Grand, Pennsylvania, where Tom has gotten a job at the Weldon Piano Works. Tom is soon fired, however, after his "innovative idea for the future of the company" (making golf clubs at the piano factory) is panned by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Weldon takes a liking to Carol Anne, however, and hires her. Over the course of the series, Carol Anne meets and befriends the working class Janice Pasetti. The goings on of the small town are covered in humorous and often touching detail.
Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 1990
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 26
First episode air date: January 18, 1990
Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 1990
Number of seasons: 2
Number of episodes: 26
First episode air date: January 18, 1990