Plot: Ktsarim is an Israeli sketch comedy series, broadcast on Channel 2, and based on the British comedy show The Sketch Show. The show is a series of sketches, often with a punch line at the end. It features: Moni Moshonov Keren Mor Shmulik Levy Riki Blich Yuval Segal Wikipedia
Plot: Three female comics perform sketches dealing with a wide variety of topics, from irritating flatmates to workplace issues to people who pretend to be ill to get free things or special treatment.
Plot: This drama series tells the stories of a psychotherapist, Reuven Dagan, and the patients that he treats, with different patients each day of the week. Viewers Dagan's patients include a bomb-dropping combat pilot and a couple with a number of marital issues. But Dagan isn't without his own problems...
Plot: The Survivor Series match is a professional wrestling elimination match held in the WWE. The match sees two teams pitted against each other, and as each member of the team is eliminated, the match continues until one entire team is eliminated. Wikipedia
Plot: Eretz Nehederet is an Israeli prime-time television satirical sketch comedy show, that premiered on Keshet's Channel 2 in 2003. It features satirical references to current affairs of the past week through parodies of the people involved, as well as the thoughts of recurring characters. Wikipedia
Plot: In the midst of the bachelor party of Eyal Malka, one of the largest crime families in Israel, assassins kill all the men and "soldiers" of the family, led by Jacob Malka, the father of the family. The women of the Malka family, who have lost their status and power all at once, are thrown into a new...