Plot: Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi is a Japanese television drama series, starring KyÅko Koizumi and Kiichi Nakai. The series aired Thursdays at 22:00 - 22:54, on Fuji Television from January 12, to March 22, 2012. A second season entitled ZokuâSaigo Kara Nibanme no Koi was broadcast...
Plot: Boku dake no Madonna, sometimes shortened to BokuMado, is a drama series that aired in Japan on Fuji TV in 2003. In English it is often called You are my only Madonna / ... and I Love Her. Wikipedia
Plot: Reverse Edge: Åkawabata Tanteisha is a Japanese manga series by Garon Tsuchiya and Akio Tanaka. Its chapters are serialized in the manga magazine Weekly Manga Goraku and published in tankÅbon volumes by Nihon Bungeisha. As of April 2019, ten volumes have been released. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokiwa stars as Tamura Nozumi, with a cheerful outlook in life, always choosing to believe in everyone. Fukatsu stars as Sakada Chiharu, an amanuensis (daisho) but goes way beyond her job-scope in carrying out her work. The duo met in a clinic where Sakada helps Nozumi get back at her boss for sexual...
Plot: Marumo no Okite is a Japanese television series which premiered on Fuji TV on April 24, 2011. This television series stars Sadao Abe as Mamoru Takagi, a public relations officer with a stationery company. Wikipedia
Plot: Smoking Gun is a 2014 Japanese television series based on the manga. The live-action series was announced on January 11, 2014. It aired on Fuji Television from April 9 to June 18, 2014. It starred Shingo Katori, Mariya Nishiuchi, Honami Suzuki and ShÅsuke Tanihara. Wikipedia
Plot: A time series is a series of data points indexed in time order. Most commonly, a time series is a sequence taken at successive equally spaced points in time. Thus it is a sequence of discrete-time data. Time Series analysis can be useful to see how a given asset, security or economic variable changes...
Plot: Itoshi Kimi e is a Japanese television series that aired on Fuji Television in 2004. The drama is based on the novel Gege by Masashi Sada. Wikipedia