Description: Dannar pilots battle against the Mimesis. Genre: Anime Year Released: 2003 First episode air date: October 1, 2003 Episodes: 26 English Network: NA Anime Network Studio: OLM, Inc. AIC A.S.T.A. Cast: Mai Nakahara, Takayuki Kondō, Takako Honda, MORE
Plot: A 17-year-old boy from the last surviving city on Earth holds the key to stopping an alien invasion: a giant fighting machine that obeys his commands.
Plot: A high school student embarks on a quest for heroes when a mysterious woman brings video game characters into the real world. Using them as pawns, the women sets out to fulfil her sinister plan.
Plot: When the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku sends the young samurai Jack into a dystopian future, he must find a portal back to his own time to undo Aku's destruction and defeat him.
Plot: Roughly 300 years after the conclusion of a great conflict known as the Calamity War, the Earth Sphere has lost its previous governing structure, and a new system of government has created a new world. Far away, seeds of a new conflict are starting to form in the Mars Sphere. When private security company...
Plot: When mecha attack a research centre, its students, pilots, and researchers must fight back with the help of mysterious artefacts and a young samurai.
Plot: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese media franchise created by Hideaki Anno and owned by Khara. Most of the franchise features an apocalyptic mecha action story, which revolves around the efforts by ... Wikipedia