Plot: Macken was a Swedish six-part musical sitcom that ran on SVT in 1986. It was produced by Galenskaparna och After Shave and was a major breakthrough for the group. The programmes were build up from a series of sketches, sometimes with comedy or satirical elements. Wikipedia
Plot: Så ska det låta is a Swedish game show, based on the Irish The Lyrics Board. The show was introduced in 1997 and led by Peter Harryson until Peter Settman took over in 2006. In 2014, Kalle Moraeus became the third host of the show. Wikipedia
Plot: Allsång på Skansen is a Swedish show held at Skansen, Stockholm, every summer on Tuesdays between 8pm and 9pm. The audience is supposed to sing along with musical guest stars to well-known Swedish songs. The show started in 1935 on a small scale; about 50 people in the audience. Wikipedia