Plot: Tak-Tik-BOOM is an Indonesian game show created by Ani Sumadi and based on an American show entitled Tic Tac Dough. In this show, 2 contestants compete with each other knowledge and strategies. The show was aired in RCTI, during decade 1990s and 2010s. Indonesia is the only Asian countries that adapted...
Plot: Katakan Katamu is the Indonesian format of television game show Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak. In this quiz, 4 teams, 5 persons for each team, will examined the knowledge of the vocabulary and played in single-elimination tournament mode. Wikipedia
Plot: On May 19, 2007, Indonesia launched its own version of Deal or No Deal, called Deal or No Deal Indonesia, hosted by Tantowi Yahya, previously host of that country's version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The prizes range from as little as Rp500, to as much as Rp2,000,000,000. Wikipedia
Plot: Dunia Dalam Berita is a daily news broadcast on TVRI in Indonesia at 21:00 until 21:30 WIB. TVRI broadcast the news program since on 24 August 1978. Based on its name, this program contains common international news around the world. Wikipedia