Plot: Gino D'Acampo returns with another series exploring the culinary treasures of his homeland, Italy. This time the chef travels off the beaten track to discover local traditions, culture and stunning landscapes. Over the episodes he visits seven regions beginning in Abruzzo, before moving North to Trentino...
Plot: TV chef Gino D'Acampo travels to Sardinia and Sicily, Italy's two largest islands, to unveil some of the region's best-kept culinary secrets. Sardinia being a home from home for the chef, he goes further in exploring the island's landscape and local history. In a traditional Italian Festa, D'Acampo...
Plot: Gino D'Acampo returns with another series exploring the culinary treasures of his homeland, Italy. This time the chef travels off the beaten track to discover local traditions, culture and stunning landscapes. Over the episodes he visits seven regions beginning in Abruzzo, before moving North to Trentino...
Plot: Gordon Ramsay, Gino D'Acampo and Fred Sirieix go on a European road trip to their homelands and each of them prepares an exciting tour for the other two.
Plot: Chef Gino D'Acampo and model Melanie Sykes are the presenters of this programme that combines good food with celebrity chats. Each episode features D'Acampo cooking three dishes - including an easy-to-follow recipe and a dish chosen by the results of a viewer poll - while he and Sykes interview that...
Plot: Gennaro "Gino" Sheffield D'Acampo is an Italian-British celebrity chef and media personality based in the United Kingdom, best known for his food-focused television shows and cookbooks. D'Acampo rose to fame as a regular chef on the ITV show This Morning. Wikipedia
Plot: The holidays are a stressful time of year for many people, partially because of all of the parties and dinners people host for friends and family. `Let's Do Lunch' presenters Gino D'Acampo and Melanie Sykes hope to make holiday entertaining less stressful with this Christmas-themed version of their...
Plot: Gino D'Acampo won't be tapping his heels together and hoping a delicious meal appears. He'll hit the road to find one. The chef travels the country looking for home cooks who can reproduce a treasured family recipe, one that has been passed down from generation to generation, in a restaurant for paying...