Plot: One day, Taichi, an ordinary university student meets Mioka, a girl who is like a storm. Taichi finds himself drawn to Mioka, who lives freely as she wishes without holding back, and they eventually fall in love. However, Mioka tells Taichi of her shocking truth. She has an incurable brain disease,...
Plot: Beautiful Rain is a 2012 Japanese television series. It features actor Etsushi Toyokawa and Mana Ashida as Keisuke and Miu respectively, a father and daughter pair. Keisuke was suddenly diagnosed with Early-onset Alzheimer's disease, which drastically affected their family's life. Wikipedia
Plot: The series will center on the 2nd film's character Alice, a member of the Liar Game organization. Child actress Mana Ashida is returning to the spinoff to reprise the role.